
Why Choose an Orthodontic Specialist Over a General Dentist?

You may have noticed that your dentist is also offering orthodontic treatment, which means it is now possible to go to your general dentist to handle braces rather than to an orthodontic specialist. Ultimately, it really is better to go to an actual Apopka Orthodontist specialist rather than your dentist, especially if you want the best possible outcome in treating your misalignment.

Why Choose an Orthodontic Specialist Over a General Dentist?

Realistically, you can see a general dentist when it comes to your dental treatments. Both do attend dental school, but the fact is: it’s better to see a specialist. After all, they’re specialists for a reason.


When you see an orthodontic specialist, you can rest assured that they have the education to back up that specialization. While an orthodontist and a dentist did attend the same type of dental school and know how to treat similar dental concerns, your orthodontist would have continued schooling for an additional 2 or 3 years.

This doesn’t mean that your dentist doesn’t have any knowledge of orthodontic procedures. Of course, they would have had to complete classes to practice, but you know that your orthodontist has had the specific schooling they need.


Along with education comes experience. Your orthodontist will have more years of experience in looking specifically at orthodontic issues. Since it concerns your health, you’ll likely want someone with the most amount of experience possible.

With experience, there’s also the fact that your orthodontist will spend more time keeping up with the most up-to-date orthodontic treatments. The field is constantly changing, so you can trust in your orthodontist to keep an eye on those changes.

What an Orthodontist Does

Your orthodontist will indeed have more experience in fixing specific problems in your teeth. They know all of the options you have for braces and alignments, not to mention that they know the potential pitfalls of specific treatments. Orthodontists can also treat more advanced cases.

In addition, your orthodontist will have years of training and experience to back them up, something your dentist may not necessarily have.

What a Dentist Does

Dentists treat your teeth, and they know how to handle regular checkups, treat your cavities, and what to do for oral hygiene problems. A dentist can pull teeth that are beyond saving and input veneers and crowns to teeth.

There’s no question that your dentist is a specialist in what they do. Still, they don’t necessarily have the experience and education on specific orthodontic problems like your orthodontist does.

Working Together

It’s best to have your dentist and orthodontist working together to handle your dental care rather than just relying on your dentist. They are both specialists in what they do, and they’ll both be able to help you handle your dental care—but in different ways.

Think of what you need for your dental care and who can best handle your needs. If you’re struggling with tooth pain, decay, repair, or extraction, that’s something that your dentist can handle. 

If they refer you to an orthodontist, then it’s best to consult your orthodontist instead of trying to leave everything to your dentist. It’s the same with your orthodontist: it’s best to leave their specialty to them and to let them work together with your dentist.


When it comes to orthodontics, it’s best to see an orthodontic specialist. They’re a specialist for a reason, with the education and experience to support the work they do on your teeth. Dentists and orthodontists are not entirely the same; they are two different doctors. Orthodontists undergo additional training related to braces and misaligned jaws and are qualified to perform procedures that dentists aren’t.

Author: Dr. Alan Wong
Dr. Alan Wong is a dedicated orthodontist who loves helping his patients achieve healthy, beautiful smiles. He is committed to providing gentle, effective care in a patient-centered environment. Dr. Wong is also a strong believer in continuing education, so he can provide his patients with the latest and greatest treatment options.